Thursday, September 27, 2007

Day 3: Economist Jeopardy & Creating the X-Ray, Pt. 3

Today, we spent 15 minutes reviewing the major ideas and theories of all the economist to prepare for the quiz students will be taking tomorrow. Students had the opportunity to challenge each other to a round of jeopardy. Jeopardy Champion, Brandi Gerardo, took on 5 people before leaving the platform after a defeat.

This is the third day spent on preparing for the Economic Conference, and the X-Ray posters are starting to become alive! Students were spread over the floors finishing designs on the posters, while others wrote the important information about the economist. Brandi Gerardo (above left) writes the important "brain," "mouth," and "heart," information for her team's economist.

[Pic. 1: Brandi Gerardo is busy writing and composing the information for her team's X-Ray; Pic. 2: Brittany Martinez writes the economic ideas of her economist to her X-Ray poster.]

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Day 2: Creating the X-Ray, Pt. 2

Today the period was much shorter than usual because of the disaster drill that occurred during 3rd period. But, today's task, teams had continue to work on their X-Ray posters.

Economists turned in copies of their autobiography. And, Reporters submitted copies of their questions they researched to be used during the Economist Conference.

Public Relations agents spent the period writing out the information for their X-Ray Posters, this includes the following:

The Brain: In this section the main economic ideas of the economist are written into the X-Ray poster.
The Heart: In this section, the economist's passions are included.

The Mouth: This section includes a quote from the economist, words, what the economist would say.

The Knees: The knees represent the weaknesses and/or strengths of the economist and their ideas.

The Feet: In the last section, or the feet, the students write about what the economist walks for and/or who he stomps on.
The X-Rays not only let students become familiar with the ideas and life of the economist, but it also gives them the opportunity to practice research skills, work collaboratively in teams while learning economics.
[Students pictured, Pic. 1: Ulysses Harris (Historian) working on the X-Ray poster for his team (Karl Marx); Pic. 2: Elyse Alvarez is writing in-depth analysis on her team's economist for their X-Ray poster; Pic. 3: Joanne Nguyen adds artistic details to the X-Ray poster of Paul Baran, while the rest of her team adds information on the lower part of the X-Ray.]

Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 1: Creating the X-Ray

Today, all teams received their posters to complete the life-size "X-Ray" portrait of their assigned economist. The life-size poster is known as an "X-Ray," because like an actual x-ray that allows doctors to see within the inside of a human being, X-Ray posters allow students to see within their actual economist, that is, their life and economic ideas.

The purpose of this assignment is to give the students the opportunity to delve deep into the ideas, life, and character of a particular economist who has shaped the economic system or belief of today. It gives students the opportunity to work in teams collaboratively, research, and learn to complete part of a major project or task.
Students have the opportunity to study the following economists: Ronald Reagan, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, John Nash, Eugene Slutsky, Paul Baran, David Ricardo, and Thomas Malthus.

Each team member has an assigned task or job; they are either an Actor (actual economist), Historian, Reporter, or Public Relations officer. Below are the roles, and the jobs of each team member:

Actor--will act the role of the Economist during the conference this Tuesday, Oct. 2. He/she must become familiar with the actual economist by doing research, and writing a biography in the first person.

Historian--is primarily in charge of completing the X-Ray poster of the economist. This person is also in charge of maintaining notes during the conference, and later sharing with the group during the conference on Tuesday, Oct. 2.

Reporter--will be composing a list of questions and answers for the other economists during the conference. The reporter is in charge of doing detailed research, and becoming extremely familiar with the life and economic ideas of the economists at the conference.

Public Relations Officer--will not only help the Historian finish the X-Ray poster, but will also do research on each of the philosophers. Will compose notes and materials to use to help support the Economist (actor) during the conference.

All groups were able to complete an outline and begin to design their actual economist on their poster sheet. They also began to label the parts of the body. For homework tonight, Actors had to finish their biography, which is due tomorrow. Reporters must finish their questions, which are also due tomorrow. Half the period tomorrow will be devoted for groups to continue to work on their X-Ray posters.

[Pictures above show actual teams using their fellow members to draw outlines of their bodies for their X-Ray posters. Pic. 1: Brandi Gerardo & Elyse Alvarez draw the outline of their partner; Pic. 2: Dominique begins to draw the outline for her team's X-Ray using her partner, Curtis Choi as an example; Pic. 3: Victoria Cabot lays on top of the poster as her teammates draw her outline for their X-Ray poster.]